Leading By Ejemplo

Ay, amorcitos!

Ya ha pasado muchísimo tiempo desde que escribí mi último blog. I have been traveling and on vacation and the whole thing when it comes to these summer months! Pero, nonetheless, I am here and ready to talk to you about the role of being a parent!

Tia Betty, Picaro. September 7, 2012, photo by alBerto Trevino

Pero, Tía Betty, you say, ni siquiera tienes un perro! You are right, amorcitos. I don’t even have a dog, so how can I talk to you about being a parent. Pues, tengo sobrinos and what little monsters they are. Te digo. Eso no importa. Los quiero como si fueran míos… casi. Es mejor así. Yo los cuido durante la noche cuando salgan sus papás de parranda y luego se van a sus casitas después de unas horas. It’s good for me!

However little I see my nieces and nephews, it is always enough time to leave an impact. No sé si les dije antes, pero mi hermana no sabe como comer. Mejor dicho, sabe como comer muy bien pero todas las cosas malas. I don’t have sweet food in my house. La azúcar no es bueno para mí, ni los sobrinos. Además de causar la diabetes, la azúcar daña a nuestros dientes and we can easily become addicted to sugar.

We also do physical activities when they come to visit. I know that I have to lead by example and if the children see me doing exercise and playing games, they will, too. También dejo que los niños traen a sus amigos a mi casa porque siento que ser social también es importante para la salud. A veces, their parents don’t like that they are with their friends so much, but I don´t see the harm in it.

Más que nada, hablamos. We talk a lot in my house. While we’re making dinner or playing games, we talk about life, school, their parents and their siblings. It’s important for children and young people to have a release. Si no están hablando con alguien quien los quiere mucho, quizás no están recibiendo lo que deben de oír. Prefiero que me digan lo que quieren sin juzgamiento.

Como adultos, we always have to have open minds and try to explain everything to the younger generations. That’s the only way they’re going to learn from us. If not, it takes longer and it takes more mistakes. I’m stern with my sobrinos. I make sure they follow through on what they say they will do, they are polite and they are communicative. I understand them and I make sure they understand me.  That way, they will take me seriously, con confianza and listen to what I have to say.

All around, I get to be a health mentor for my “kids”! It’s fantastic and they are the little lights in my heart! We have a lot of fun together and sometimes, I do let them get away with things their parents won’t. ¡Pero no les digas eso!

Hasta la próxima, amorcitos!


Tía Betty

Addiction to Comida

¡Hola, amorcitos!

¡Ay, como pasa el tiempo tan rápido! I feel like it was just yesterday that I put up a post y pues, ya hace más de una semana que escribí mi mensaje.

Well, I want to talk to you about something today that means a lot to all of us, whether you have diabetes or not.

Primero, les tengo que decir una cosita: Tu puedes hacer o cambiar un hábito en 20 días. Yes, that’s right, amorcitos. It takes 20 days to make or break a habit.

That is the key to today’s discussion about food. Ay, la comida, que deliciosa. Pero, como buen tía que soy para mis sobrinos y chiquitos amorcitos, I try to build their habits while they’re young and more willing to listen to me.

So here are a few things I have to keep limited because they are the biggest addictions and habits to break. The top three foods that can cause addiction are fats, sugars and salt. Y nos encanta todo eso.

Because of these addictions, there are certain foods I try to limit:

  1. Soda pop. Los refrescos traen tanto azúcar y eso afecta a los dientes y causan el aumento de peso. Have you heard about the people who lose 20 pounds because they stop drinking soda? Sí, es posible.
  2. Potato chips. Las papitas tienen mucha sal y grasas. Comer esto seguido te trae problemas, especialmente con la presión de la sangre.
  3. Carnitas y chicharrones. ¡Uy! ¡Qué deliciosos! Pero they have a lot of fat.
  4. Candy y dulces de todos tipos. No quieren sufrir de la diabetes como yo. Si ya tienen la diabetes, deja de comer dulce. Eso no te ayuda nada con control de diabetes tipo 2.
  5. Café. Aunque es delicioso y parte de nuestras tradiciones, le echamos mucho azúcar al café y tampoco es bueno.
  6. Butter and mayonnaise. Estas dos cositas que saben rete deliciosas tienen mucha grasa. Try to avoid using so much butter, mayonnaise or vegetable oil. Use olive oil when cooking, lemon juice and herbs and spices.
  7. Fast food. Cut down McDonald’s and Burger King food. Comer tanto no esta bien para el cuerpo. Ay mucha grasa y sal en la comida.
  8. Fried foods. Ya se que nos encanta comer comida frita. Pero tanto grasa puede causar ataques del corazón. Por eso tenemos que estar pendiente de las grasas solamente porque nos afecta el corazón.

Como las drogas, food communicates with your brain releasing chemicals, like dopamine, which sends happy signals to the rest of your body. This is how you get addicted. Food will make you happy and tastes delicious. ¿Cómo no, verdad? Soon, you begin to eat more and more without even thinking about it. It becomes a habit too hard to break.

So what you can do is start limiting the foods you eat that are high in these contents. Do it slowly, over a month’s time. You’ll find yourself saying, “¡No tiene suficiente sal!” to “¡Ay, Dios! ¡Esta muy salado eso!”

Sugar is probably the most difficult addiction to break. Start cutting down on candy, soda pop y pan dulce. It’s not good for you anyway! Quita la sal de la mesa también. Trata de cocinar con poquita sal pero añade más yerbas para darle sabor a la comida.

You can do it. It’ll be the voyage of making yourself a healthier individual. Te lo juro.

¡Hasta la próxima, amorcitos!


Tía Betty

La Prevención Corre en La Sangre

¡Hola, amorcitos!
Ay como odio no escribir en más de una semana, pero a veces no se puede y estoy muy ocupada. I hope everyone is doing well out there and are enjoying the great weather that we’ve been having!

Today I wanted to talk about our theory of preventative medicine and why it runs in our sangre. First of all, les quiero decir que la medicina reactivo o correctivo cuesta más que la medicina preventivita. Es decir, que si vas al doctor para que te hagan proyecciones, es mejor que sepas que no ay nada de preocupación en vez de tener algo pasando dentro del cuerpo sin saberlo.

The cost of correcting an illness is much greater than that of taking a preventative stance. The cost of going to get screenings done or eating right and taking care of yourself, will save you money solamente because you’re saving yourself from consequential illnesses that may lie in your future. Compare a gym membership to a hospital bill, cariño.

Anyway, en nuestrosIMG_2761 paises patrias, our people practiced preventative medicines, home remedies and took care of their bodies by eating certain foods and taking into consideration que decía el cuerpo. ¿Pero, porque? What drove our ancestors and, for some of us, our older family members, to learn about remedies and these types of preventative medicine?

When living in poorer situations, our families didn’t always have access to medical care or the funds to ask a doctor for their consulta, or insight. Many times, nuestras mamas y abuelitas tenían que curar a los niños con lo que tenían en la casa o alrededor. At the same time, parents started trying to prevent the oncoming illnesses through cautions and warnings.

Where do you think “¡Ponte las chanclas!” and “¡Sécate el cabello antes de salir!” came from? All of those little things that they would tell us not to do or do were to prevent any kind of enfermedad that they would have to cure. ¡Hasta eso nos costaba! Pero antes, pagábamos con tiempo y trabajo para crear la alimentación de salud.

¿See, amorcitos? La prevención corre por la sangre. Hasta este tiempo contemporáneo estamos tratando de prevenir la gripe, la toz y la fiebre. A nadie le gusta ir al doctor. Sometimes it feels like a waste of time. But if you prevent the illness, you will have a healthier and longer life. And look at it the way I previously mentioned it; it will save you money, more than anything.

So take the initiative to control your health and your life. You can prevent illnesses and dilemmas.

¡Hasta la próxima, amorcitos!

Tía Betty


Summer means Parrilladas!

tia1Hola, amorcitos!

Cuando sale el sol y ando por el barrio, huelo una cosa tan fuerte que me tiene en tranza: Carne. Meat is so delicious. You just want to sink your teeth into every juicy and watery bite! Y cada familia tiene su forma de arreglar la carne usando cosas como cerveza, limón y sal.

It’s time for parrilladas y estar afuera cada fin de semana, con los chiquillos andando en la yarda. It’s always a fun way to get some exercise and spend time with those we care about.  And it’s always about the meat and the eating, verdad?

Well, there are a few meats that are healthier than others. I feel that we all know this to be true. Y no te estoy diciendo que tienes que hacer lo que yo hago, no. You can eat what you want and do what you want; solamente te estoy dando sugerencias. But remember, healthy meat is better for you when you’re watching your weight, cholesterol y si tienes diabetes.

Grilling is quite possibly one of the best ways to cook your food. You don’t need aceite, oil, or butter. No need for extra fattiness besides that of the meat. Almost every type of meat has fat in it.

Me, I like turkey burgers. Me encantan. In order to make them right you need flavor. Full flavor. Among the flavors I like to add are garlic, black pepper, onions and cayenne pepper. ¡Delicioso! Turkey burgers have less fat and the protein is good for your body. Add some lechuga, jitomate and mustard and you will be so full, your pansa will pop out of your pants!

If you like beef patties or any other meat besides turkey here are a few things to remember:

1. Find the lowest amount of fat on the meat. Compre la carne que dice que tiene 99 por ciento FAT FREE! Even though the meat might cost more, you’re paying for what you get: More meat, less fat.

2. When you buy steaks, cut the extra fat off. That is not going to help you when you have diabetes, amorcitos!

3. Look into purchasing chicken as well. Chicken is a light and clean option for the grill. Sprinkling on some pimienta, rub some chopped up ajo on it and there you go! Put it on the grill!

4. Don’t forget about the veggies! Cebollitas are delicious to put on the grill! Corn on the cob is a great option as well. Throw some things on there and get to eating healthy!

Well, I hope you take some of this advice and share with me what your burgers and parrilladas look like! Share them on my Facebook page or send them to me on Twitter!

Hasta la próxima, amorcitos!


Tía Betty

La Temporada De Smoothies!

Hola, amorcitos!

Ya se siente el verano! It’s almost here! The paleteros are outside ringing their little campanitas y los eloteros with their horns. The warm breeze, the smell of spring. ¡Me encanta!

Tia Betty with a smoothie¿Y sabes que más me encanta durante esta temporada? Smoothies! I love smoothies because I can control what goes into them, they are mobile and they cool you off on a hot day. Plus, they’re some of the healthiest drinks you can have. Most of the time, smoothies can replace a snack or mini meal depending on what you put into the mix. Also, depending what you add (comida que tiene mucha fibre) can help you manage your blood sugar level!

Of course, you can make whatever kind of smoothie you want, but de voy a decir de mis cosas favoritas para echar al mezclado.

Aguacate: Avocados have been shown to inhibit the growth of cancerous cells, is also a fantastic source of Vitamin E and helps maintain good heart health. Among other things, aguacate sabe delicioso!

Fresas: Strawberries are packed with antioxidants, promote eye health and have been shown to prevent cancer. Además, fresas boost immunity so you don’t get sick as often!

Mango: ¡El mango te clara la piel! Yes, amorcitos, mangoes help to clear skin as well as lower cholesterol and alkalizes the whole body, meaning it keeps your acids in check! Remember not to use too much. It might raise your blood sugar twice as fast as you’d like, so be careful!

Raspberries: Containing a third of the fiber that you’re supposed to have in a day in just one serving. Also full of antioxidants, raspberries also alleviate arthritis and also helps in cancer prevention.

Almond milk: For the creamy texture you might be looking for, try almond milk. Esta leche de almendras tiene 25 por ciento de la vitamina D and it has 30 percent of the calcium you need in a day. Además, it is low in sugar, contains vitamin E and helps your heart!

Greek yogurt: Full of protein to keep you fuller longer, Greek yogurt is also low in sugar (check the nutrition label), high in calcium and creamy for your smoothie!

Also rich in nutrients is kale, spinach and celery. Puedes añadir estos vegetales a la mezcla y no te van a dejar con sabor feo. In fact, these fantastic vegetables will taste a bit better in smoothies and also will be hidden by the fruit you add.

Instead of using leche, recuerda que el agua te ayuda limpiar el cuerpo. Use water and ice to get added affects if you don’t want to do use milk or anything creamy. Eso ayuda mucho.

Well, ay estan mis ideas para todos ustedes! Prueba las y cuentame, what do you like to put in your smoothies?

¡Hasta la próxima, amorcitos!


Tía Betty

The Better To See You With, My Dear

¡Hola, amorcitos!

Jajaja. No, no vamos hablar de Caperucita Roja hoy, aunque me encanta el cuento de la niña y ese lobo malo. No, amorcitos, hoy te quiero hablar de la importancia de visitar al doctor de los ojos; el optometrista.

Clearly, I go see the doctor every year because of my glasses. I have to make sure I have the right prescription to see better with! The other reason why I go is to have my eyes thoroughly examined and dilated. ¡Eso no me gusta para nada!

Tia Betty, Picaro. September 7, 2012, photo by alBerto TrevinoPero, sabemos todos que es necesario. See, when you start talking about having eye problems with diabetes, it turns into a scary thought. Pero cuando nos hundamos en el azúcar, nos afecta todo el cuerpo. Se hace como miel and it slows our bodies down all over. Ya saben. When your blood sugar is high, you feel like a snail. At least, that’s how I feel; slow and tired.

Al mismo tiempo, hay posibilidad que se quiebran los vasos sanguíneos. Si eso pasa, la sangre en el ojo puede bloquear a nuestra visión. This is called Retinopathy o retinopatía. It is when blood vessels puff up behind the eye blocking our visión. Fluids can leak and cause problems and possibly even blindness.

Qué susto, ¿no? Yo quiero ver, siempre! It’s scary to think of going blind after seeing what this beautiful world has to offer. Hace tiempo cuando me encontraron con un poquito de sangre detrás del ojo. I was so scared. Me dijeron que me tenía que controlar más la glucosa de la sangre para revertir los efectos de esto. So I did! I had to! My eyes are special to me.

I go to the doctor as a consultation and to find out what I can do better. That’s what it should be like for everyone. Because the doctor found out that I had little blood splotches in my eye, I could keep myself in check and make sure that I was eating right and exercising in order to keep my blood sugar down.

Luckily, everything is better and I will be able to see for a long time coming. Remember to go to your eye doctor. You can prevent serious issues like glaucoma, cataracts and retinopathy. Tenemos que usar los doctores como consulta y método de prevenir las cosas malas. Si nos damos cuenta de cosas así, cambiarlas sería más fácil.

¡Hasta la próxima, amorcitos!


Tía Betty


When “El Respeto” Can Go Wrong

When “El Respeto” Can Go Wrong

Hola, ¡mis amorcitos!

Espero que todos están bien hoy.

Today I want to talk about the issue of going to the doctor or seeing the doctor for many Latinos, who maintain a certain level of “respect” or “respeto” that they hold their tongues. I’m here to tell you to let them loose!

Cuando vamos al doctor, hay ciertas cosas que queremos dejar solamente para el médico. Lo que él o ella dice es verdad y correcto. Pero lo que no saben unas personas es que, ¡el experto de tu cuerpo eres tu!  Tu sabes más que otra persona como te sientes, que te molesta y cuáles son los problemas que necesitas aliviar.

We’ve seen it over and over, right, cariños? Possibly even in ourselves. We go to the doctor and there is no challenge. There is no discussion over what they are telling you or how they assume for you to feel. ¿Y por qué no? Porque es que siempre que vas, ¿te quedas bien callada? Ya saben que cuando mami te dice que debes hacer algo, dices algo cuando te molesta. Do the same thing at the doctor’s office!

I used to be like that, too. The doctor would give me medicine to take and it would make me feel weird. I thought it was normal. I´m supposed to be extra thirsty. I´m supposed to feel light-headed. That’s what the medicine does to you. Pero estamos en la época que no necesitas sentirte así. Sentirse mal ahora no es opción.

Ay muchísimas medicinas que podemos tomar que tiene el mismo efecto sobre nuestros cuerpos que no nos dejar sintiendo mal. If there is a problem with the medicine or how you feel on the medication, tell your doctor. Chances are, there is another medicine that will do the same thing for you but will allow you to feel normal.

Cuando el doctor te hace una pregunta, contéstale honestamente. There’s absolutely no reason why you should be lying to your doctor. Lo más que el doctor sabe de su vida, lo más le puede ayudar. Dile de las medicinas que se está tomando. Dile como come. Dile del dolor que tiene.

If you are getting better and you are at your doctor’s office for a follow-up appointment, tell them if you’re feeling better and what you have been doing to make yourself feel better since the last time.

In order to get the best out of your experience and the best medical help, build a relationship with your doctor. Supone que su doctor es su mejor amigo y dile lo que te está molestando. Te vas a sentir mejor solamente por hacer eso y también vas a sentirte más cómoda la próxima vez que tienes que visitar el doctor.

El doctor no es Dios. He doesn’t know everything. Your doctor is human and can make mistakes, which is why keeping an open dialogue about your health is of the utmost importance. Si eres como yo, que iba siempre con mi papi al doctor, por favor sigue diciéndole a tu papa o mama lo que les está diciendo al doctor y lo que el doctor esta avisando. Keeping the person you are caring for in the dark isn’t good either. Be sure to ask your parents, or the person you are caring for, exactly how they feel and what they think. It helps everyone in the long run.

Hasta la próxima,¡ amorcitos!

Cuídate con todo el corazón,

Tía Betty

You Have To Change Everything About Yourself

Hola amorcitos!

Espero que todos se encuentren muy bien hoy. Cada día trato de poner un pedacito de inspiración on Twitter. Usually, I wake up and post about the sun, the sky and ways to keep your head up and keep going!

Sometimes it’s hard having a chronic illness. Te digo la verdad. You can get upset since your blood sugar levels aren’t always where you want them to be. You can get sick and tired of counting carbs and sometimes, you don’t want to exercise. Es fácil caer en la depresión cuando te sientes incapacitado. Or that no one can understand where you are coming from. Trust me, yo me sentí así.

For many of us, hearing that we have to make life changes after living 40 or 50 years doing the same thing… es durísimo.

© Copyright 2010 CorbisCorporationYo no quise cambiar. Why would you? Counting carbohydrates, giving up liquor and regular soda, giving up fast food and exercising for me didn’t sound like any fun at all. I lived in denial for about two years después que me dijeron que tenía la diabetes tipo 2.

My diabetes kept getting worse. Pero, I didn’t want to face it. My A1c was up at a 12 and I was starting to lose feeling in my toes. My eye sight was getting more and more blurry and everyone kept telling me it was because of my diabetes. Mami y mis tías would give me teas and natural remedies and although they worked for a little bit of time, it didn’t in the long run. If I could be doing home remedios, I could be taking medication. Cuando pienso en ese tiempo, I see just how much time I wasted in helping myself and my body.

Cuando hay mucha azúcar en la sangre se convierte en algo como miel. Too much sugar slows down your body and sugar in your blood?! Peor!

This is what I was doing to myself. The damage, the problems that I caused just because I didn’t want to take care of myself now seems ridiculous and sad. But that’s how many of us are when we can’t accept the fact that we have diabetes.

Para mi, la decisión cambiarme la vida fue cuando me dijeron lo que me puede pasar con mi corazón. See, my papi had a heart condition which ultimately ended his life. The thought of having something like diabetes make me more susceptible to heart attacks and strokes scared me.

I became proactive. I decided to turn my life around, educarme y enseñar a mi familia también como prevenir estas enfermedades que se desarrollan dentro de nuestros cuerpos latinos.

Ahora estoy aquí. Hay muchos de nosotros que tenemos experiencias con la depresión después de oír esas noticias. Especialmente cuando dicen, “You have to make a lifestyle change.” Your lifestyle is a big thing!

Con más educación, podemos vivir una vida larga y sana. Eso es lo que todos queremos últimamente.

Hasta la próxima, amorcitos.


Tía Betty

Don’t Take A Vacation From Health

¡Hola amorcitos!

¡Que gusto estar en casa con mis amigos, familia y comida! I went on vacation last week to visit extended family. What a crazy whirlwind! Habían tías, tíos, primos, sobrinos, todos! Y la comida, to die for. We had arroz con gandules, pastelitos or como otros dicen, empanadas, y mucho más.

The most difficult part for me while visiting family is food. When I’m alone, yo decido lo que como y adonde. I don’t have to worry about someone cooking my food as long as I’m making it for myself. Pero cuando estoy en compañía de mi abuela y tías, no hay otra solución más que decir que no. And saying no to a Latina…? Eso no se hace. I think I’ve said this before. If you want the guilt trip along with having to explain why you can’t eat another tamal, pues, dile que no.

Tamales¿Y saben qué? I didn’t say no as often as I should have. I ate those pastelitos as if my body could break own the bread and oil. ¡Ay, por el amor de fulano! I felt so sick days after, having to hacer el pipi the whole time. Tuve que tomar mucha agua y tenía dolor de cabeza. I regretted not saying no. My blood sugars were way too high for my liking and I can only blame myself for this one.

Next time, le voy a decir a Tía: I’m sorry, Tía, pero no. No me lo puedo comer porque me vale más la vida y mis organos!

Un amigo mio que también tiene la diabetes tipo 2 me dijo que el compra su comida antes de llegar a casa de su familia para tener algo que comer. He said he buys veggie trays so that he can munch as much as everyone else. “Everything is carb-based,” he said. And it’s true.

Yo a veces tengo que llevar mi refresco preferido. I usually take some diet Coke with me when I go to parties or something else that allows me a beverage and the ability to be social.

Going on vacation, I realized, is not a vacation from my health and my goals as a person with diabetes. Siempre, siempre, siempre me tengo que cuidar. It doesn’t matter that those pastelitos tasted a bit like heaven or that Tía Marta was giving me that guilt trip look and saying that she must have not made her arroz good enough for me to eat. Yo tengo la responsibilidad de cuidarme, porque si yo no lo hago, ¿quién lo hará?

Remember, just because you’re basking in the sun and warmth, does not mean that your health and diet should take a back seat for those few days. Mejor dicho, when you’re in a new place, explore! Tell yourself that you’re going to take a walk and be adventerous with your time and energy on your trip. El cuerpo fue creado para caminar y es la forma de ejercicio más natural para un ser humano. So, do it more often!

I have learned my lesson. No more high blood sugars on vacation. I’m going to buy my own food and watch what goes into my mouth.

¡Hasta la próxima, amorcitos!


Tía Betty

Get out! Get active! Duerme bien.

Hola, amorcitos!

I have been so happy recently due to all of the sun I’ve been seeing on my daily walks and and through my windows in the morning. ¡Que bellísimo es tener el sol para levartarnos! Although I need my alarm clock, I usually wake up before it goes off.

My days have become much more invigorating  too. I get up y como ya saben, I go for my walk con mis amigas around the park. I just heard about two filmmakers who made about a movie called “The Longest Swim” about one of the guys having diabetes and taking too much insulin. That’s so scary! In the movie, the young man has a seizure and his friend has to swim across the lake for help.

© Copyright 2013 CorbisCorporationLas personas con diabetes tipo 1 tienen ese peligro en tomar demasiado insulina. Se baja la azucar muchísimo and seizures can happen. That has never happened to me. Anyway, that is what we talked about.

There was also a study about sleep and melatonin, the hormone released while we get into deep, deep sleep in the middle of the night. This hormone helps to keep our bodies synchronized and it is being researched whether or not the tie of low melatonin levels raising the risk for Type 2 diabetes. Dicen que estudiaron mujeres y como dormían, que comían y también la historia de la salud de sus familias. Encontraron que las mujeres con niveles bajas de melatonin tenían un riesgo más grande desarrollar la diabetes Tipo 2.

This is why sleep and deep sleep is so important to humans. I mentioned this before and the link to heart disease as well. Researchers think that melatonin impacts the pancreas’ ability to produce insulin. They have also said that irregular sleep patterns, sleep apnea and bad sleeping conditions also increase a risk for Type 2 diabetes.

Pero, ¿saben qué? You can get a great night’s rest if you exercise! Como los niños, cuando corren por donde quiera y luego se cansan y se quedan bien dormidos, that’s what you should do. Now that the sun is out, you can go outside! Walk around instead of staying in the office at lunch. Go for a walk. Now they’re saying that sitting is the new smoking. ¡Uy! Si uno se sienta mucho, eso puede causar más problemas de la salud.

So when you think about it, get up and stretch, walk or dance! If you can go for a walk and tire yourself out, you’ll have a better, longer sleep and prevent future problems.

Hasta la próxima, ¡amorcitos!


Tía Betty